Disclaimer – 

Disclosure – We, Anthony Ravin Gunawardana And Associates, will be compelled to divulge/disclose information about you and your organization/company and any other connected party, if ordered by a legitimate court of law or stipulated in any act or law of the country. We, Anthony Ravin Gunawardana and Associates, will not be responsible, for such disclosure of information in such instances, and we indemnify ourselves from any and all recourse, or legal proceedings.

Responsibility – We, Anthony Ravin Gunawardana And Associates, will not be responsible for any failures, losses, damages incurred by our clients, by way of our advice and council and /or any other reason. All such failures, losses, damages incurred by our clients will have to be borne by them, and they will keep Anthony Ravin Gunawardana and Associates indemnified of all forms of recourse and /or legal proceedings.

Your success and progress, will be strictly based on how accurately you follow our advice, instructions, suggestions and counsel. We will not be held accountable if the given advice is not followed by you, and your company/ organization.

Payments –

Retainer Fee – The negotiated retainer fee is a monthly fee, levied to clients and is a nonrefundable fee (all government levies and taxes apply). This fee is solely for the purpose of retaining our services and /or to make ourselves available on the contracted date, or mutually agreed upon date/s for that period. A monthly bill will be sent for settlement as per the services rendered. Client/s are liable to pay the monthly retainer fee during the entire duration of the contract.

Fees – Fees will be charged on a per hourly basis and /or on the value of service/s negotiated and billed to the client/s. Other than for the retainer fee that is pre-discussed, and negotiated and fixed for the given period of the agreement, all other charges will be notified to client/s and billed accordingly. Some fees may be charged on a percentage basis based on the value of the project costed and a margin added.

Invoices– All clients will be invoiced and the invoice will be emailed to the client/s. Please note, that as we promote environmental protection we do not print our invoices on hard copy. (Please think again before you print any of our documents to save trees and Mother Nature)

Statement of Accounts – A statement of accounts will be made available to you along with your invoice for your convenience. Please do give us a reminder if your haven’t received same with your invoice.  

Settlement – All fees are to be settled by clients on the fifth of the following month of invoice/s issue.

Receipts – A receipt will be issued to you via email, upon the receipt and realization of your payment. In the event there is a balance due to us from you, we will indicate that pending amount to you in writing for early settlement. Please note that as we promote environmental protection we do not print our receipts on hard copy. (Please think again before you print any of our documents to save trees and Mother Nature)

Nonpayment of Fees – Pease note that we will not be extending our services for part payment or nonpayment of fee invoiced to our clients. We will resume our services upon the full payment of all outstanding amounts due to us by you. 

Engagement agreements – An engagement agreement/s will be discussed and finalized and sent across for your verification and acceptance via e-mail. Your approval and acceptance will be via e-mail replying to same. No hard copies of the agreement will be given to you. You may print the PDF document attached in the agreement e-mail. (Please think again before you print any of our documents to save trees and Mother Nature)

Engagement agreement/s will contain therein terms and conditions, fees, duties and responsibilities of both parties, Dates of commencement / termination and such details both parties wish to include. Please note that there may be a cost for the drafting of all such agreements.

Meetings/sessions – Clients are expected to be present for all pre scheduled meetings/sessions, those clients who have not duly informed of their absence will be charged the same fee for that session/meeting whether in attendance or not. Clients may negotiate changes to schedules well in advance in order to minimize inconveniences.