Product Outline: Organizational Structuring, Process Planning & Work Flow Designing Projects

Activity Description and work scope

1. Determining Key Business Goals and Objectives – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. –
Determining Goals and objectives such as – Revenue, Profitability, Customer satisfaction, Market share, Operational efficiency, Sustainability, Global Support Functions.

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.

2. Determining and developing business strategy – to meat goals & objectives as examples shown below and or any other strategy (s) – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. – .
Conducting SWOT analysis, Analyzing the market, Identifying customer needs, Defining the companies value position, Developing strategic initiatives, Establishing time lines and budgeting resources, Assigning responsibilities.

  1. Market segmentation:
  2. Digital transformation:
  3. Strategic partnerships:
  4. Sustainability:
  5. Customer service excellence:
  6. Financial management:

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.

3. Determining all required organizational functions – to execute organizational Goals objectives as per determined devised strategy- With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. – .
Conducting gap analysis – as per company goals and objectives, Identifying key organizational functions, defining the required capabilities, developing the organizational design, Establishing performance metrics, Assigning responsibilities.

Function 01 – HR

  • HR & Pay role
  • Administration

Function 02 Operations

  • Process and proses flow
  • Mission Preparedness
  • Logistics
  • Business Resourcing
  • Contingency planning

Function – 03 – Sales & Marketing

  • Product Development
  • Branch Sales
  • Head office sales
  • corporate Sales
  • Customer Service

Function – 04 – As per organizational needs

Function – 05 Finance, Accounts, IT & Complaisance

  • Finance and Accounting
  • IT
  • Compliance

Function – 06 – Internal Audit & Process control

  • Accounts Auditing
  • Management Auditing
  • Process Auditing
  • Customer Service Standards Auditing

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.

4. Breaking down of Goal – Breaking down of determined and listed organizational Goals and objectives – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. – .

  1. Breaking down of determined and listed organizational Goals and objectives and converting them in to divisional goals objectives and targets.
  2. Breaking down of converted divisional goals objectives and targets to individual goals objectives and targets (Division wise) – First Stage
    Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
    Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.

5. Determining & allocating individual job roles (tasks & activities) – that will execute organizational and divisional functions. – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site.

  1. Finalizing list of divisions in the organization
  2. Determining overall process and flow of business –
  3. Drafting Process Flow Chart (diagram) – Business Operation – Organization – Overall
  4. Listing of all divisional & sub divisional activities
  5. Matching divisional and sub divisional activities with job roles

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.
Note: Training and development activities are not included.

6. Divisional Process Chart – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. – . Drafting Divisional Process Charts for Divisions
Diagram depicting divisional process

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.
Note: Stake holder participation will be required, client to facilitate organizing of workshops and meetings as required

7. Divisional Process Document – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. –
Drafting Divisional Process for Divisions
Word document listing of all divisional processes and job roles that will carry out process activities

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.
Note: Stake holder participation will be required, client to facilitate organizing of workshops and meetings as required.

8. Matching Individual Job roles to meet divisional process, goals and objectives – For divisions – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. –
Excel document showing divisional process meeting the main organizational goals and objectives and the job roles caring out the tasks and activities to meet the same.

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.
Note: Stake holder participation will be required, client to facilitate organizing of workshops and meetings as required

9. Development of job role / individuals work flow and work load and individual tasks/activity duration (Time taken for each activity) For 20 employees – With client consultation – Includes visits to client site. – .

  1. Work Flow
  2. Duration of tasks/activities
  3. Work load (Peak – Dec to Feb – and off Peak – May to Sep – seasons)
  4. Employee utilization chart

Note: Client participation is required. This action is required to formulate design and construct all other activities listed below.
Note: If additional visits are required due to the non-participation and or lack of involvement of the client, such visits will be charged for and billed separately.
Note: Stake holder participation will be required, client to facilitate organizing of workshops and meetings as required

Terms and Conditions

1.      Minimum number of employees quoted for is 10 persons, any additional employees will be added on a pro rata basis. In the event there are less than ten persons, the client will still be billed for 10 persons.  
2.      Activities as applicable in the above table, should be planned to be concluded in one day at the client’s site. Any additional day taken for these activities, will be billed separately to the client. Client is responsible to ensure all employees are present on the set date mutually agreed upon.
3.      Any additional activities that may arise while and during the execution of the project and are not quoted for will be notified and billed to the client.
4.      An agreement will be signed by ARG & Associates and the client after the finalizing of this quotation.

Payment Terms –

5.      Quotation is valid for 14 days only from the day of issuing quotation.
6.      75% Advance payment to be settled before commencing of project and upon receipt of invoice by client.
7.      Balance 25% to be settled within 14 days of Invoice date.
8.      An invoice will be issued upon the approval of this quotation.
9.      Please make payments to – Mr. Anthony Ravin Gunawardana. (Bank Transfer).

A/c Name- ARGANDASSOCIATES or Anthony Ravin Gunawardana and Associates
A/c No: 0085 88 69 70-Current A/c
Bank Name – Bank of Ceylon (BOC)
Bank Code – 7010
Branch Code- 037 Bambalapitiya

Business Details-
Name of Business-Anthony Ravin Gunawardana and Associates
Business Registration No: W/RT/5540
Business Address- 21 Udaya Mawatha off Templers Road Mount Lavinia.  Sri Lanka.

Tax Status: No tax deductions are to be made by client at the time of payment- Not Liable for Withholding tax.

Other Conditions

10.1       Either Party shall hold this document and all information shared thus far confidential, all proprietary information including pricing, financial, credit, technical, commercial or any other business information or data in strict confident and shall not, without the prior written consent of the other party, except as required by law or competent governmental authorities to the extent obligatory to, disclose such information to any third party. This Clause shall survive termination and/or expiration of this quotation and correspondence.
10.2       All of the confidential or proprietary information and/or documents provided by either Party under this quotation and project shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the disclosing Party. Upon the disclosing Party’s written request or in any event prior to the expiry or termination of this project the recipient shall return all tangible forms and destroy all machine-readable/electronic  forms of such information and/or documents.


11.1       ARG & Associates shall not in any manner whatsoever be liable for any acts/omissions/duties/responsibilities of any other introduced and/ or engaged parties (3rd Party) or its agents.
11.2       ARG & Associates shall not in any manner whatsoever be liable for any acts/omission/duties/responsibilities/ of CLIENT,   or its agents in relation to the services performed by ARG & Associates in relation to the services referred hereinbefore.
11.3       CLIENT,   agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified ARG & Associates, from and against any claims, proceedings, costs and damages suffered by the CLIENT,  resulting and and/or arising from any act/omission of Party A including all acts by Party A, in relation to setting up and implementation of the strategies, Processes and procedures, business models, plans, ideas etc. CLIENT,   agrees that the ARG & Associates shall in no manner whatsoever be liable for the acts/omissions of CLIENT,. CLIENT, shall also indemnify ARG & Associates for any losses caused due non-pursuance of any negotiation initiated by ARG & Associates, in the event CLIENT,   unilaterally withdraws from such negotiations.
11.4       ARG & Associates shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to CLIENT,   in the event ARG & Associates is unable to obtain the services of any third-party services in terms of the provisions of this quotation.
11.5       CLIENT, specifically warrants that all transactions contemplated under this agreement and/or connected or incidental to the same shall not be illegal and shall be in compliance with all Laws of Sri Lanka. CLIENT, accordingly shall indemnify ARG & Associates against any breach of the provisions of this clause.
11.6        Disclosure – We, Anthony Ravin Gunawardana And Associates, will be compelled to divulge/disclose information about you and your organization/company and any other connected party, if ordered by a legitimate court of law or stipulated in any act or law of the country. We, Anthony Ravin Gunawardana and Associates, will not be responsible and or held accountable, for such disclosure of information in such instances, and we indemnify ourselves from any and all recourse, or legal proceedings that may ensue.